
La "Défaite de Tsahal" - d'après Courrier International

Cet article peut éclairer certains bouchés sur l'importance d'une quelconque, et je dis bien quelconque, dans le sens de "n'importe quelle" défaite de l'armée de l'État d'Israël. De la bouche de commentateurs israéliens tel Gideon Levy, journaliste au Ha'aretz, dont on peut lire une compilation d'articles ici.

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

titi, la guerre n'est pas finie...

chapichapo a dit…

si israel voulait aneantir le liban, il a gagné.

Je n'ai plus de maison, elle a été rasé :'(...

Anonyme a dit…

Mr. President, why don’t you pull out…like your father should have?

Note: There is excellent reason to believe that the Department of Defense is deliberately not reporting a significant number of the dead in Iraq. We have received copies of manifests from the MATS that show far more bodies shipped into Dover AFP than are reported officially. The actual death toll is in excess of 10,000. (See the official records at the end of this piece.) Given the officially acknowledged number of over 15,000 seriously wounded (and a published total of 25,000 wounded overall,), this elevated death toll is far more realistic than the current 2,000+ now being officially published. When our research is complete, and watertight, we will publish the results along with the sources In addition to the evident falsification of the death rolls, at least 5,500 American military personnel have deserted, most in Ireland but more have escaped to Canada and other European countries, none of whom are inclined to cooperate with vengeful American authorities. (See TBR News of 18 February for full coverage on the mass desertions) This means that of the 158,000 U.S. military shipped to Iraq, 26,000 deserted, were killed or seriously wounded. The DoD lists currently being very quietly circulated indicate over12,000 dead, over 25,000 seriously wounded and a large number of suicides, forced hospitalization for ongoing drug usage and sales, murder of Iraqi civilians and fellow soldiers, rapes, courts martial and so on -

The government gets away with these huge lies because they claim, falsely, that only soldiers actually killed on the ground in Iraq are reported. The dying and critically wounded are listed as en route to military hospitals outside of the country and not reported on the daily postings. Anyone who dies just as the transport takes off from the Baghdad airport is not listed and neither are those who die in the US military hospitals. Their families are certainly notified that their son, husband, brother or lover was dead and the bodies, or what is left of them (refrigeration is very bad in Iraq what with constant power outages) are shipped home, to Dover AFB. This, we note, was the overall policy until very recently. Since it became well known that many had died at Landstuhl, in Germany, the DoD began to list a very few soldiers who had died at other non-theater locations. These numbers are only for show and are pathetically small in relationship to the actual figures. You ought to realize that President Bush personally ordered that no pictures be taken of the coffined and flag-draped dead under any circumstances. He claims that this is to comfort the bereaved relatives but is designed to keep the huge number of arriving bodies secret. Any civilian, or military personnel, taking pictures will be jailed at once and prosecuted. Bush has never attended any kind of a memorial service for his dead soldiers and never will. He is terrified some parent might curse him in front of the press or, worse, attack him. As Bush is a terrible physical coward and in a constant state of denial, this is not a surprise.

Brian Harring

Anonyme a dit…

Rien sur le discours de Bachar?
shame on you!

suburbankidswithbibicalnames a dit…

chapi, le camp tenu par les aounistes et le Hezb ds lequel je travaillais a ete totalement vide ce matin -- ce qui est assez impressionant comme travail de coordination. Beaucoup ont perdu leur maison et ont enregistre leur noms pour les dedommagements.

Je voudrais savoir comment le Hezb s'y prend en pratique. Est-ce que ta famille a ete contactee? A hauteur de combien les dedommagements se feront? Quels sont les logemements de subsitution? Ils ont parle de les reloger ds des ecoles en attendant. Vont-ils allouer les meme sommes a tt le monde? Y a t'il des exclus? Y a t'il des gens qui refusent l'aide et preferent reconstruire eux-meme de A a Z?

je pense que la prochaine bataille politique sera celle de la reconstruction comme je le disais ds mes posts precedents et il est interessant de voir comment les mechanismes se mettent en place.

merci de partager ton experience.